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    @Avocat - Droit du Logement

    Housing law affects a large part of the Quebec population. It governs the relationship between landlords and tenants, by defining the obligations of each party.

    Que vous souhaitiez comprendre les clauses d’un bail ou faire valoir vos droits en cas de litige, il est conseillé de consulter un avocat spécialisé en droit du logement.

    What is a housing lawyer?
    A housing lawyer is a legal expert who focuses on issues related to real estate, rental properties, and the rights and obligations of tenants and landlords. He or she may offer preventive advice when drafting rental agreements, negotiate agreements between parties, or represent clients in court.

    Residential lease is the contract by which a person, the landlord, commits to another person, the tenant, to obtain, for rent, the enjoyment of immovable property, for a certain time.

    Can be likened to a residential lease, the lease of a room, that of a mobile home placed on a chassis, with or without a permanent foundation, or of land intended to receive a house.

    - Residential lease may be verbal

    A verbal lease is considered valid if the tenant occupies the dwelling and pays a fixed rent for the said occupation.

    - A minor may conclude a lease without assistance

    For its usual needs, a minor can enter into a lease, if he understands the scope of his commitments and if these are reasonable.

    - The lease bond

    Bonding is a security generally granted by a third party to secure the performance of the obligations of a tenant who is deemed by the landlord to be insufficient or insolvent. For example, a parent who commits in favor of his or her child, but does not live in the dwelling. It is important to note that in the case of residential leases, the bond is limited to the term of the lease and does not extend to the renewed lease. In practice, the parties generally provide for a stipulation in the lease, to allow the survival of the bond with the renewal of the lease.

    - The lease includes a promise to purchase or a purchase option agreement

    There are situations where the tenant agrees to occupy the building for a period before acquiring it. In these situations, the parties generally sign a contract called a purchase option or a promise to purchase, including a part providing for the terms of the lease of the dwelling for the period of occupation. The rules for residential leases apply to leases included in this type of contract. However, in the event of a dispute, it is essential to distinguish between the principal and the accessory, namely whether the parties' main intention was to rent or rather to sell? And on what element of the contract is the dispute? Depending on the response, the Tribunal Administratif du Logement will be competent or not.

    - Lease by tolerance

    The existence of a residential lease can be presumed, when a person occupies the premises with the tolerance of the owner. This type of lease will be considered to be of indefinite duration and will generally take effect as of the occupation.

    - The sale and sublease of the residential lease

    The tenant has the right to cede or sublet his dwelling, and the provision that provides for the lessee's right to cede or sublet his dwelling is a public order. This means that the landlord can not include in the lease any restrictions on those rights. However, a tenant who wishes to avail himself of one of his rights must comply with certain strict formalities, such as sends a notice to the landlord, indicating his intention to avail himself of one of these rights, the name, and the address of the person to whom he intends to assign or sublet, in order to obtain the consent of the landlord.

    - The end of the residential lease

    In the case of a residential lease, the tenant has the right to maintain the premises. This fundamental right makes it almost impossible to terminate the lease on a unilateral basis. However, the parties can still agree and proceed to a termination of consent, the tenant may also decide not to renew his lease after the term.

    Termination may also be made in a court of law if either party fails to comply with its contractual or legal obligations.

    Finally, the lease may be terminated ipso jure, when the tenant evacuates with all his personal belongings. In these cases, the court will find that termination is a matter of full force.

    - The exclusive jurisdiction of the Tribunal Administratif du Logement with respect to residential leases

    Section 28 of the Act respecting the Tribunal Administratif du Logement grants exclusive jurisdiction to the Tribunal Administratif du Logement for any breach of obligations under a housing lease.

    Representation before the Administrative Housing Tribunal

    Many people are unaware of this, but it is often possible to benefit from the assistance of a lawyer during a hearing at the Régie du logement, whether you are a tenant or a landlord, to defend your rights.

    As a lawyer practicing housing law, we represent you before the Tribunal Administratif du Logement in Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, Valleyfield, Joliette, St-Jérôme and others.

    We also represent you in appeals of the Tribunal Administratif du Logement decisions before the Court of Quebec

    Take the next step:
    Request a consultation.

    “In housing law, the balance between the rights of the tenant and those of the landlord is essential: it is about guaranteeing a fair, respectful and protective contract for both parties, so that everyone can enjoy a roof in complete safety and peace of mind.”

    You are well
    @Avocat -Droit du Logement

    Representations at the Administrative Housing Tribunal

    Opening hours

    Mon - Fri: 09h30 à 20h00

    Saturday: Sur rendez-vous

    Sunday: Sur rendez-vous
