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    Infos & Useful Links

    Infos & Useful Links
    @Avocat - Droit du Logement

    Housing law: what is it ?

    Housing law concerns all the provisions surrounding the relationship established between the owner of a property and the tenant. This relationship is structured around a lease agreement which determines the obligations of each party. The legislation also provides for various legal provisions to guarantee a respectful relationship between the lessor and the tenant. The lease agreement then constitutes a central point of housing law, hence the importance of being assisted by a competent lawyer, to avoid any ambiguity in the clauses of the contract.

    Useful links for more information on housing law




    1. Silencieux Gaétn Nadeau inc. c. Pelchat, (C.S., 2004-04-14): L'obligation du locateur de procurer au locataire, la jouissance paisible du bien loué comporte quelques exceptions: la force majeure, le fait d'un tiers et les réparations urgentes
    2. 2020 University Associates c. Riauchi, (CS., 2007-07-05): La jouissance paisible des lieux loués s'étend non seulement à l'espace loué décrit au bail, mais également à tout ce qui est nécessaire à l'utilisation des lieux loués
    Representation before the Administrative Housing Tribunal

    Many people are unaware of this, but it is often possible to benefit from the assistance of a lawyer during a hearing at the Régie du logement, whether you are a tenant or a landlord, to defend your rights.

    As a lawyer practicing housing law, we represent you before the Tribunal Administratif du Logement in Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, Valleyfield, Joliette, St-Jérôme and others.

    We also represent you in appeals of the Tribunal Administratif du Logement decisions before the Court of Quebec

    Take the next step:
    Request a consultation.

    “In housing law, the balance between the rights of the tenant and those of the landlord is essential: it is about guaranteeing a fair, respectful and protective contract for both parties, so that everyone can enjoy a roof in complete safety and peace of mind.”

    You are well
    @Avocat -Droit du Logement

    Representations at the Administrative Housing Tribunal

    Opening hours

    Mon - Fri: 09h30 à 20h00

    Saturday: Sur rendez-vous

    Sunday: Sur rendez-vous
